Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where can I find alpha hydroxy acid?

I have these bumps on my arms and I went to the derm. they told me to use something with alpha hydroxy acid or by itself, I was wondering where I can get it at or if there is something I can get at walmart that has AHA in it.Where can I find alpha hydroxy acid?
you can not get THAT acid in wall mart.

dont try to use directly from the container you may burn your skinWhere can I find alpha hydroxy acid?
Unfortunately, wal-mart doesn't really carry advanced skin care products yet. Alpha hydroxy acid is an expensive ingredient, but it's worth the money. You can find these products at cosmetic counters at department stores (like macy's %26amp; nordstrom) or at a local spa. My favorite product is called Quick Refiner by Bioelements. You can find it on the internet for around $40. AHA's are great for your face too! If you're looking for a cheaper alternative, you could try a moisturizer with salicylic acid as the active ingredient. This is usually found in products for oily/acne prone skin (Clearasil, Clean and Clear, etc), check the ingredient lables. You can find these products at wal-mart for around $10. These should help the condition, if not, spend the cash for a professional product. Good luck!
online beauty care websites; and ebay. also is good.

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