Friday, December 11, 2009

What is Alpha Hydroxy-A?

it's from beauty fair complexion cream i sawWhat is Alpha Hydroxy-A?
Probably the manufacturers way of saying saying alpha hydroxy acid. There is alpha hydroxy acid and beta hydroxy acid (which is salicylic acid). AHA are only sold in strengths not types (10% over the counter; 20%-30% by prescription). AHA are used as a chemical peel for wrinkles and fine lines and giving skin a smoother appearance.What is Alpha Hydroxy-A?
Made up.
It's something alright. It's definitely something.
Alpha Hydroxy-A is Alpha hydroxy acid. or AHA's. Alpha Alpha hydroxy is a familiar name to those seeking youthful skin; it is one in a long line of wonder ingredients in cosmetics and skin care products.

Alpha hydroxy acids are an entire family of acids, which can be derived from fruit, milk or sugar. The most widely used in skin care is glycolic acid (made from sugar) and lactic acid (made from milk). These Alpha hydroxy acids are also called fruit or citric acids; women have been using lemon juice for 'bleaching' freckles for centuries. Surprisingly alpha hydroxy does just what it claims it will.

Alpha hydroxy works by exfoliating the skin; that is, causing the surface skin cells to slough off, revealing newer, less damaged skin cells beneath.


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